Caitlin shared the following writing prompt to go along with the poem:
If listening to your heart was a physical act, what would you hear? What would you need to lean closer to hear?
You can respond in any medium or style you would like. Poetry, fiction, video, music, photography, nonfiction— we welcome it all! If you respond to a prompt and would like your work featured, please share it with us. Or, send us your own writing prompt and we will include it.
I like to think that I would hear something akin to the breaking of a seal. Of my heart trying to burst open and stretch out into everything. I have held it close for many years, always trying to protect myself from something I couldn't even name. It is easy to hear myself say it, and harder to follow through. I still, always, need the reminder.
I like to think that I would hear something akin to the breaking of a seal. Of my heart trying to burst open and stretch out into everything. I have held it close for many years, always trying to protect myself from something I couldn't even name. It is easy to hear myself say it, and harder to follow through. I still, always, need the reminder.